Weekly Features

Monday: TARDIS Stops: A weekly review of the episodes of "New Who".

Tuesday: TARDIS travellers: A look at some of the people that have been in the TARDIS since the 2005 series.

Wednesday: Who New?: Round up of the weeks Who news.

Thursday: Monster of the week: Monsters and Villains from the Doctor Who since the 2005 series.

Friday: The Doctor's Moment: A look at the Doctors Best moments since the 2005 series.

Friday, 31 July 2009

The final is the begining

I am really really sorry:
1) for not reviewing torchwood Days 3-5 (which were amazing)
2) not posting the stories like a promised

well i am on holiday at the moment so as soon as i get back i will get reviewing days 3-5 of torchwood even though they are really late. And i will posting the stories, and this is were amazing news comes in.

the orginial ending to my series on stories, is now becoming the beginning!!!!!

The ending to my series of stories was a three parter called; command of the fallen/deep in the abyss/ and another name which i cant remember!!!

These stories are going to be amazing. they will big on a massive scale, the enemies in these stories will be amazing, and the story is on its on a brilliant one.

I really really really hope that you all will enjoy the stories. There will be five in total. (like with torchwood)

well thats all for now.


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