Weekly Features

Monday: TARDIS Stops: A weekly review of the episodes of "New Who".

Tuesday: TARDIS travellers: A look at some of the people that have been in the TARDIS since the 2005 series.

Wednesday: Who New?: Round up of the weeks Who news.

Thursday: Monster of the week: Monsters and Villains from the Doctor Who since the 2005 series.

Friday: The Doctor's Moment: A look at the Doctors Best moments since the 2005 series.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

The plans are almost in place, and the finally decisions are being made.
About what though?

Well there are plans to make a special Doctor who mini-series, to be posted on Youtube (and on here), made by me, and a few friends.

The mini-series will be like nothing you've seen before, but hopefully you will really really like it. I'm hoping you will.

Here's the synopsis:
The Doctor finds himself trapped in a house with five complete strangers, they can't get out, and there is something in the house. It's coming for them...

Sorry about the constant change in stories and everything, but this one i am sticking with, and its going to be good!

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